Planted Flag
Planted Flag is an application/toy I created to get back into C++ coding. The beautiful, easy-to-read source code behind it is available here. You can browse this code to see a wide range of classes and utilities or to get a feel for my coding style. (A windows-runnable exe can also be downloaded here.) Pretty much all the functionality you see is hand-written. The only libraries I use are math.h for some basic math routines and the windows console API to work with low-level console functionality.
Planted Flag has the following features:
- Physics Engine
- Simulation of springs, wind, drag, turbulence, and gravity
- 2nd order Runge Kutter solver for enhanced stability
- Real-time controls
- 3D graphics tools - Objects, Transformation Matrices, Vectors
- Text-based Console rendering engine
- Lines, points, text, and color
- Mouse manipulation
- Widget controls
- Mathematics and physics concepts:
- n-Body Physics simulation
- Runge Kutte Ordinary Differential Equation solver
- Spring force calculations
- Perlin Noise to simulate turbulence
- Viscous Drag and gravity simulation
- Matrix and Vector math
- 3D transformations
- C++ classes and concepts in use:
- Matrices & Vectors
- Polymorphism (Widget classes)
- Dictionary/Hash table
- Linked Lists
- Animation Loop
- WIndows Console API
- Memory management
Here's a screen shot:
